Intelligent, natural conversation

Sentai’s smart speaker enables every day, normal ‘voice’ interaction, it is simple to use and has no learning curve. It can understand replies that don’t fit a specific pattern or are ambiguous. Sentai learns from conversations over time and adapts to users’ needs and preferences.
Becky, I’ve got a chat message from John. Do you want to hear it now?
Becky has added milk and painkillers to her shopping list for when you visit later
Hello Becky! It’s time for lunch. What did you have in mind to eat?
Becky is feeling low today. You may want to get in touch.

The Sentai Smart Speaker

The Sentai smart speaker contains a precision microphone, a full-range speaker, and a presence sensor. An in-built hub enables optional connectivity to further presence sensors in the house if needed. It’s a fun and non-intrusive option for the home to provide support and companionship, and visibility of wellbeing to friends, family and carers.

The Sentai App

The Sentai app for carers, friends and family enables easy configuration of the speaker and provides insight on loved one’s activity and wellbeing along with chat, shopping lists and care notes. Carers and family members can receive notifications when medication has run out, urgent shopping is needed, or no movement has been detected for a while.

Key features

Sentai provides timely reminders and companionship through voice-enabled chat and monitoring of daily activities. It understands what’s going on and connects to nominated contacts if there’s an urgent need or emerging problem.
Wakeup, bedtime and mealtime interactions Sentai enables scheduled interactions at wakeup and bedtimes, and at mealtimes. Sentai will engage into a conversation enquiring about a user’s wellbeing and plans for the day. Over time, Sentai will learn from user’s interests and preferences, to make every interaction more meaningful and fun.
Chat Friends, family and carers can send chat messages from the mobile app to the speaker. Sentai automatically converts text to speech and any replies from the speaker back to text, making it easy to stay connected. The Sentai app notifies users of new, unread chat messages.
Quick Help Sentai enables easy access to friends, family and carers. Just ask Sentai for help, and Sentai will find out what has happened and alert or call a nominated carer if needed.
No movement alerts Carers and relatives can receive alerts if no movement has been detected for a set amount of time and, if needed, sent a prompt to check if everything is OK. Sentai will enquire if everything is alright, and report back if there’s a reply.
Medication reminders To keep track of medications, Sentai enables easy scheduling of medication reminders. When the speaker senses presence, it talks through the medication schedule to ensure optimal adherence. Sentai tracks medication uptake and alerts nominated contacts if there is a problem, such as a medication having run out, or help is needed. If no one is available, Sentai will keep trying.
Call out Users can call a contact directly from the Sentai speaker, and carers can schedule a reminder to do so. Just say: “Hey Sentai, call…”.
Wellbeing reporting Sentai can ask users about their wellbeing. Responses and trends can be shown on the app, dashboard, and through notifications to carers and family members.
Additional movement sensors Where needed, you can add sensors to additional rooms to enable advanced lifestyle monitoring. Our battery powered long-life sensors can be added in seconds through the app to provide enriched presence sensing.
Reminders Sentai enables flexible setup of all sorts of reminders, for example to empty the bins, attend an appointment or to call a loved one. Sentai can even arrange a voice call right through the speaker.
Shopping Sentai can ask if any shopping needs doing. Sentai will convert the speech to text, send a notification to a nominated contact, and put everything on a convenient shopping list that can be viewed on the app.
Activity reporting Detailed reporting gives carers and family members peace of mind that everything is OK through visibility of activity, movements and wellness scores. Care providers can understand if there are changes that might indicate emerging health issues, such as increased night activity, enabling preventative care interventions.
Friends and family Involve family and friends into the circle of care. Sentai enables setting up nominated contacts and give them access to specific parts of the service, such as being a contact for quick help, or shopping.

Sentai Pro for Care Providers

Sentai Pro for care providers enables effective management of carers and care clients at scale. It provides detailed reports for each client, showing key stats and activity throughout the day. AI-powered analytics provide visibility and insight into client needs, helping care providers identify emerging issues, and improve the quality of care by responding to individual needs more effectively.
9:12 AM
Average wakeup time (20 day average)
Average night time movements (20 day average)
7 - Good
Average wellbeing score (20 day average)

Care management dashboard

Centrally monitor and manage care clients at scale through the care management dashboard. Easily allocate clients to carers, manage settings individually and across multiple clients.

Advanced analytics

Get visibility and insight into care clients’ needs, using AI-driven data analysis, and be better able to allocate resources and manage risks. Sentai Pro can identify clients that show specific issues, such as changes to their wellbeing or lifestyle patterns.

Carer app

Carers can use the app to see key information about their care clients, such as wellbeing scores, night activity, medication uptake and care notes. With more information at hand ahead of a visit they can spend their time delivering better quality of care.

Sentai testimonials

Some of the people who have been using Sentai, and how it has transformed their lives.
Sentai user Wiltshire
Living on my own, my house can sometimes feel quiet, but Sentai keeps me company, this is one of, if not, the biggest selling point for me. Just hearing Sentai’s voice (I like how human it sounds), I no longer feel alone.
Sentai user Southsea
Having Sentai has given friends and family confidence I’m taking my medication at the right time and eating and drinking regularly too. To say it feels like a weight has been lifted is an understatement. My friend said to me just the other day, it really does give me peace of mind knowing you’re doing ok.
Sentai user West Yorkshire
We like the integrated sensor to keep track of Mums movements during the night. I find it extremely useful knowing mum is up and about in the mornings and goes back to bed during the night. I can see all of this from the app.

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