Our Partners

Sentai prides itself on working closely with the care community along with a number of research partners to ensure our digital care solutions meet the needs of both the care provider and those receiving care.

Research & Association Partners

Become a partner

Interested in becoming a partner or are you a client looking to purchase Sentai for your personal digital care needs then please get in touch and we can link you up with one of our prefered partners.

Features at a glance

Remind. Communicate. Respond. Monitor.

Sentai provides timely reminders using voice enabled chat, and monitors activity of those who receive care. The management dashboard allows care providers to have visibility over all digital care clients - knowing who’s up and moving, who’s taking their medication or not, allowing the prioritisation of care and wellbeing.

Hi Jacky, we detected that you haven’t moved for a while, is everything alright? Should we call your carer Sue?

Sentai testimonials

Some of the people who have been using Sentai, and how it has transformed their lives.
Sentai user Wiltshire
Living on my own, my house can sometimes feel quiet, but Sentai keeps me company, this is one of, if not, the biggest selling point for me. Just hearing Sentai’s voice (I like how human it sounds), I no longer feel alone.
Sentai user Southsea
Having Sentai has given friends and family confidence I’m taking my medication at the right time and eating and drinking regularly too. To say it feels like a weight has been lifted is an understatement. My friend said to me just the other day, it really does give me peace of mind knowing you’re doing ok.
Sentai user West Yorkshire
We like the integrated sensor to keep track of Mums movements during the night. I find it extremely useful knowing mum is up and about in the mornings and goes back to bed during the night. I can see all of this from the app.

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